Transparency Reporting
Information on this website is posted within 30 days after the board adopts an annual operating budget or any subsequent revision to that budget. The Annual Budget & Transparency Reporting is an opportunity to communicate with our community on how we utilize the resources that are provided to us.
The following information is required to be posted on our website:
The annual operation budget and subsequent budget revisions.
Using data that has already been collected and submitted to the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), a summary of the district or intermediate district expenditures for the most recent fiscal year for which they are available, expressed in the following two (2) pie charts which were provided for the general fund of the district or intermediate district by the Center for Education Performance and Information (CEPI):
Introduction: Section 18 (2) of the Public Act 94 of 1979, the State School Aid Act, as amended, requires each school district and intermediate school district to post certain information on its website. The Annual Budget & Transparency Reporting is an opportunity to communicate to our community on how we utilize the resources that are provided to us.
- Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Resolution Original
- Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget Resolution Final Amendment
- Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget Resolution Original
- Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget Resolution Original
- Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Budget June 21 Board for Approval
- Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget Resolution Amendment III final
- Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget Amendment 1
- 2021-22 Original Budget attached to the resolution
- 2020-21 Final Budget
- Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Board Approved Budget Amendment I
- Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Board Approved Budget II
- Neola Policy
Benchmark Assessment Reports:
- Annual Education Report (2023)
FID for School Year 2021-2022
- Budget Transparency Report: 2023-2024 Operating Expenditures
- Budget Transparency Report: 2023-2024 Personnel Expenditures
- Budget Transparency Report: 2022-2023 Operating Expenditures
- Budget Transparency Report: 2022-2023 Personnel Expenditures
- Budget Transparency Report: 2021-2022 Operating Expenditures
- Budget Transparency Report: 2021-2022 Personnel Expenditures
- Budget Transparency Report: 2020-2021 Operating Expenditures
- Budget Transparency Report: 2020-2021 Personnel Expenditures
Budget Summaries
- General Fund Budget Summary
- Food Service Budget Summary
- Student Activity Budget Summary
- Debt Service Budget Summary
Collective Bargaining Agreements
Accounts Payable Register
Employer Sponsored Health Care Benefit Plans
- 2023-2024 District Wages Over $100K
- 2022-2023 District Wages Over $100K
- Superintendent's Contract
District Paid Lobbying Costs
Audited Financial Statements
Travel Information
Credit Card Information
Procurement Policy
Expense Reimbursement Policies
MI School Data Portal Dashboard Req. E Sec. 22f(1)(e)
Evaluation Assurances
Additional Reports and Information
23 MI Kids Back on Track Grant
- 23g MICIP Plan Approved Strategies and Activities
- To Request Additional Information About the 23g MI Kids on Track Grant
- 23g Budget Items Submitted